Recently producer Rashmi Sharma confirmed that popular show Saath Nibhana Saathiya was coming back with a second season. Now, according to latest reports, Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla has been approached to play the male lead in the show. A source quoted in Pinkvilla said, “Sidharth is the first choice to play the male lead on Saath Nibhaana Saathiya …
Thanks to the hilarious viral videos, we finally have the answer to the question 'rasode me kaun tha?' For those still living under the rocks, it all began when a mashup video of daily soap Saath Nibhana Saathiya's character Kokilaben's dialogue with Gopi Bahu and Rashi went viral on social media. Have a look at the original scene here: Meanwhile, …
Social media is one such place where anything and everything can go viral. The latest one in the list is a scene from the popular daily soap 'Saath Nibhaana Saathiya' that has been turned to a hilarious rap mashup video. It all happened by a music producer Yashraj Mukhate brilliantly tuned Kokilaben's dialogues into a song where she is seen …
Indian soaps and serials seem to be a neverending source of internet memes and general entertainment, all thanks to those melodramatic dialogues. And to add some more drama to it, a young music producer has added few peppy harmonium beats to some dialogues on autotune, turning the dialogues into the lyrics of a viral rap song. Yashraj Mukhate, a singer-producer …