Online travel tech aggregator EaseMyTrip on Wednesday said its Co-Founder and CEO Nishant Pitti has resigned on account of "personal reasons". Nishant Pitti, co-founder and CEO, EaseMyTrip His brother and Co-Founder Rikant Pittie, who is currently the company's Executive Director, has been appointed as the new CEO. "In his new role, Rikant will lead the company's strategic initiatives, drive innovation, …
EaseMyTrip co-founder Rikant Pittie has been appointed to replace his brother and promoter Nishant Pitti as CEO of the travel company, the company informed the exchanges on January 1, 2025. In its disclosures, the company also noted that Pittie is the brother of Nishant Pitti, who is promoter of the parent company Easy Trip Planners, and resigned as CEO of …