The Delhi High Court asked Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy and Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi to file a short note on the submissions in the National Herald case. The High Court was hearing a plea moved by Mr. Swamy seeking to lead evidence before the trial court in the National Herald case, in which the Gandhis …
A 16-year-old girl from Mumbai's Andheri was kidnapped and allegedly injected with aphrodisiacs and raped for eight years. The cousin "got into a relationship" with the girl after his father had taken her to Uttar Pradesh to get her married and extract money from her family, the survivor said in her complaint. According to a report by the Times of …
A senior staffer with a Hyderabad-based chemical factory allegedly killed his wife and two children by stabbing them and slitting their throats before ending his life in their Uppal Southend home here, police said on Monday. Prakash Singh, 55, a PhD doctorate, was found hanging from a ceiling fan on Sunday night with a suicide note stating that "he was …