Jujutsu Kaisen enthusiasts are in for a treat as the franchise introduces its newest original villain in the upcoming mobile game, Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade. Despite limited details about the character's origin, Jujutsu Kaisen fans can anticipate delving into Oboro Zetsu's narrative as Jujutsu Kaisen: Phantom Parade is set to make its debut by the end of 2023. Originally slated …
“Oboro” translates from Japanese as “clouded” or “hazy,” sometimes in reference to the view of the moon. No matter what else you choose from n/soto’s izakaya-inspired menu — cucumber and wakame salad, artfully arranged sashimi, skewers threaded with chicken thigh and scallions or bacon-wrapped tomatoes, maitake tempura or the amazing miso-baked bone marrow paired with onigiri — if you order …
CNN — In 2015, Virtue Oboro experienced every mother’s worst nightmare: at just 48 hours old, her newborn son was rushed into hospital for emergency treatment. “One can find large numbers of obsolete or dysfunctional systems being applied at some of these centers.”Hippolite Amadi, neonatal specialist Oboro’s experience with power outages and broken equipment isn’t uncommon in Nigeria, says Hippolite …
WaterAid commissioned 10 visual artists from across the Global South to interpret the far-reaching impact access to clean water and decent sanitation has on people’s lives and the role these vital basics play in the realisation of other human rights Over the last decade, millions have gained access to clean water and hygienic toilets and close to half of the …