Uttar Pradesh Police have arrested four gang members involved in the kidnapping of actor Mushtaq Mohammad Khan from Delhi airport, where he was subsequently held captive in Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, while a ransom was demanded. The Uttar Pradesh police uncovered that Shakti Kapoor was promised ₹5 lakh for a comparable event; however, the scheme collapsed because of the substantial advance …
Chunav Manch: Assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh are months away scheduled to be held in 2022, however, the political heat is already running high. Suheldev Bhartiya Samaj Party president Om Prakash Rajbhar, who was with the BJP earlier, is now trying to stitch in a grand alliance of smaller parties to challenge the BJP, SP and BSP in Uttar Pradesh. …
In yet another audacious act of mob attacking police personnel, a Muslim mob who gathered to offer mass prayer at Jama Masjid in Uttar Pradesh’s Kannauj district Friday, pelted stones at the police personnel who went there to prevent them from doing so amid the Coronavirus lockdown. A similar incident was reported from Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh, where a Muslim mob …