Rashmika Mandanna might be from Coorg, but the actor has made a name for herself in the Telugu and Tamil film industries. In an interview with MissMalini, Rashmika was confident while mistakenly calling Vijay’s Tamil film Ghilli a remake of Mahesh Babu’s Telugu film Pokiri. You know why I keep saying that I really love Vijay Thalapathy sir, because it …
Okkadu is one of the iconic films of Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu. MAHESH BABU'S OKKADU GETS A RE-RELEASE DATE Mahesh Babu is currently on a break after the demise of his father, Superstar Krishna. Here's the post: READ | Mahesh Babu and family release first statement after Superstar Krishna's demise ALL ABOUT OKKADU Directed by Gunasekhar, Okkadu is a romantic …
Namrata Shirodkar took to Twitter to celebrate 18 years of Mahesh Babu's hit Telugu film, Okkadu. The film, which released in 2003, is one of the important films in Mahesh Babu's career. Today, Mahesh Babu's wife Namrata took to Instagram to celebrate 18 years of the film's release. ALSO WATCH | Decoding the Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu