The Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited will soon get 400 new CNG buses even as it scraps 327 old buses in a phased manner. Currently, there are around 2,000 buses in the PMPML fleet; 1,005 out of which are owned by the PMPML, with around 950 being contract buses from four different contractors. Nitin Narvekar, joint managing director, PMPML, said, …
The Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited has taken a decision to convert its old buses into goods vehicles, sanitising vans, and for mounting cranes. During the Covid-19 period, PMPML already converted its old buses into sanitising vans. Rajendra Jagtap, chief executive officer of PMPML said, “ We have decided to use old buses for commercial purposes such as goods carriers. …