These features were earlier restricted to Pixel 5, but with the update, it will now also be available on older Pixel 2 and Pixel 2XL phones. As per the report, earlier it was not possible for most users to sideload the Google Camera 8.0 update onto older Pixels to get the latest features. According to tipster Kelvin Peralta, Google Camera …
Google continues to roll out Pixel 4 exclusive features to older Pixel smartphones. Earlier this week Google rolled out Pixel 4's Live Caption feature to its Pixel 3 and Pixel 3a series smartphones. Sure users could download third-party apps from the Play Store but the company did not offer native support for a recorder app until Pixel 4 came into …
Google has now confirmed that it will soon be introducing its new AI-powered Recorder Application for older Pixel phones. The app was launched with the new Google Pixel 4 series phones that were introduced last month. The US-based search engine giant last month launched Pixel 4 at a starting price tag of $799 and Pixel 4 XL for $899. Google …
Google had introduced the ability to live transcribe audio to text on Pixel 4 without using the internet. The feature was in the form of an app called Recorder and it used the Pixel 4’s in-built neural engine. We plan to roll it out to older Pixel devices in a future software update.” Now Google hasn’t given a specific time …