NEW DELHI: As the government introduced a bill on holding simultaneous elections in the Lok Sabha, Samyukt Kisan Morcha on Tuesday called it a "corporate agenda" to create "one market" by eroding federal rights of state governments. The group, which led the 2020-21 farmers' protest at Delhi borders against the now-repealed three central laws on agriculture, appealed to farmers and …
Should India’s farmers have the economic freedom to market their produce to whoever and wherever they want at an agreed price? The nearest Agriculture Produce Market Committee market yard for Gawande is 25 km away where licenced traders will bid for his produce, starting with the Minimum Support Price declared by the government. The Bharatiya Janata Party government has passed …
THE Union government has made it clear that it is prepared to cross the rubicon in its pursuit of agricultural market “reforms” that have proved elusive so far. The options they examined included the transfer of “markets and fairs” to the Union List from the State List; the use of “inter-State trade and commerce” under Item 42 of the Union …