The Central Crime Branch of the Greater Chennai City Police has busted a gang that procured SIM cards illegally and operated current accounts from India that were being used by cyber fraudsters operating out of Malaysia and Cambodia, targeting Tamil-speaking people. Police said Anil Kumar, Assistant Foreign Regional Registration Officer, Bureau of Immigration, Chennai International Airport, reported on Sunday that …
New Delhi: Nandan Nilekani, Infosys co-founder who went ahead to spearhead Aadhaar, has one more ambitious goal in his kitty. The main aim is to create a freely accessible online shopping system where merchants and consumers can buy and sell everything from 23-cent detergent bars to $1,800 airline tickets. What is unspoken here is to eventually curb the powers of …
iStock Get WIRED's daily briefing in your inbox. The deal was agreed during a trade meeting between Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping, and provides Huawei with some much-needed infrastructure business at a time when the US government is threatening to reduce intelligence-sharing with allies who use the company's telecoms gear in their networks. Google's Stadia cloud-based …
The Dutch, Australian and Philippine police together rescued 18 children from sexual abuse situations on an online network. The youngest victim is five months old, the Dutch police said in a statement on Thursday. Their parents and grandparents used them for online sex shows, the Dutch police said in a statement. "When it involves the fight against child pornography and …