国家知识产权局印发通知称,国家将全面推动专利开放许可制度高效运行,拓展专利转化运用的模式和渠道。 China will comprehensively promote the efficient operation of the patent open license system, according to a notice issued by China's National Intellectual Property Administration. 国家知识产权局(人民视觉 资料图) 【知识点】 专利开放许可是《中华人民共和国专利法》第四次修改新设的一种专利特别许可,是专利转化运用的制度创新,有利于实现简便快捷的“一对多”专利许可,提升对接效率,降低制度性交易成本,打通科技成果向新质生产力转化的“最后一公里”。 国家知识产权局近日印发关于全面推进专利开放许可制度实施工作的通知,要求从指导专利权人规范提交开放许可声明、推动试点项目便捷转为开放许可、指导专利权人合理估算许可使用费、加强开放许可声明信息的开放共享、充分发挥各方作用促进供需对接等多方面推动专利开放许可制度高效运行。 根据许可制度,专利权人自愿提交专利开放许可声明,对专利许可使用费“明码标价”,由国务院专利行政部门向全社会“广而告之”,任何单位或个人书面通知专利权人并按照标价付费即可获得实施许可,对所有被许可方“一视同仁”。 【重要讲话】 要深化科技体制改革和人才发展体制机制改革,形成支持全面创新的基础制度,多元化加大科技投入,加强知识产权法治保障,充分激发各类人才创新活力。 It is important to further reform management system for science and technology, and the systems and mechanisms for talent development, in order to establish a foundational system …
LANSING, Mich. — Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is defending her decision to stick with appointment-only visits to branch offices after the coronavirus pandemic, amid pushback from lawmakers who say people should again be able to go without an appointment. Benson said she wants to get to 75% because “that’s where we’ll have the supply and demand match, so that …
IIT Delhi is planning to give a non-exclusive open license for its low-cost Covid-19 test to companies so it can be commercialised, but it will come with a price rider -- which means that companies cannot hike the price whenever they want. IIT Delhi sent questionnaires to companies which want to commercialise the Covid-19 test "We have sent out questionnaires …