Small cap stock One Point One Solutions surged as much as 15.81 per cent, rising to ₹59.30 on Tuesday against previous close at ₹51.29 on Monday. The stock surged after the company announced that it has acquired a Latam based contact center for acquisition valued at $30 to $35 million. In an exchange filing, the company said that it has …
The scene at OneLegacy in Azusa on a recent Friday morning would have been familiar to anyone who’s been in a hospital intensive care unit. Researchers are also trying to develop ways to recover bone marrow from a deceased donor to transplant along with the donor’s organs, which could stop the recipient’s immune system from attacking the new organs. Age-related …
One Trump enterprise that has been regularly profitable and is a persistent source of concern about ethical conflicts and national security lapses, is the Mar-a-Lago club Donald Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. During the Great Recession bailout, he asked for the money back Testifying before Congress in February 2019, the president’s estranged …
WASHINGTON — The U.S. government is overhauling parts of the nation’s transplant system to make sure organs from the dead no longer go to waste — and to make it easier for the living to donate. “When an American wishes to become a living donor, we don’t believe their financial situation should limit their generosity,” said Health and Human Services …
WASHINGTON — If Roland Henry had died in a different part of the country, his organs might have been recovered. “Nobody comes behind them and says, ‘You actually could have recovered 20 to 30% more and you didn’t,’” said Kevin Longino, a kidney transplant recipient who heads the National Kidney Foundation. “I’m always stunned at the variability” in how many …