The recreated version of the 90s hit song 'Main Khiladi Tu Anari' starring Akshay Kumar and Emraan Hashmi is finally out. The original had Akshay in a black blazer and tie and Saif in a brown jacket, the new song has Akshay in a shimmery green blazer and Emraan Hashmi in a shimmery black jacket. The song also shows Emraan …
The Hills: New Beginnings has reportedly been canceled after just two seasons on MTV. It was also alleged that 'some' of the original stars believed that The Hills: New Beginnings 'wasn't the show MTV promised them' and that it sometimes felt 'forced with fake storylines and confessionals.' Sources close to the production told TMZ on Tuesday that the third season …
Eight years after closing out its six-season run on Nickelodeon, iCarly is making a return with three of the original stars. Reboot: Eight years after closing out its six-season run on Nickelodeon, iCarly is making a return with three of the original stars No story details have been revealed at this time, and it is not clear if other stars …