Manu Bhaker The only Indian shooter to compete in three events, Manu Bhaker won five successive gold medals at World Cups with Saurabh Chaudhary and silver at the last World Cup in Osijek, Croatia. Age: 24 World ranking: 10m air pistol: 1 Form guide 2021: Delhi World Cup – 579, gold; European championships – 572; Osijek World Cup – 578, …
A source in the National Rifle Association of India said that the coaching staff will constitute only 30 percent of the whole squad in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics. New Delhi: Rifle coach Oleg Mikhailov and pistol coach Pavel Smirnov will be the only instructors staying with Indian shooters for the entire duration of Tokyo Olympics, with the others serving the …
After a sterling week for Scottish clubs in Europe the next round of ties has a winnable, if oddly portentous feel. Steven Gerrard knows Rangers need to improve ahead of their European clash with Maribor Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's Molde take on Hibs comforted by the fact they beat Celtic home and away in the Europa League just three years ago. …