Manu Bhaker The only Indian shooter to compete in three events, Manu Bhaker won five successive gold medals at World Cups with Saurabh Chaudhary and silver at the last World Cup in Osijek, Croatia. Age: 24 World ranking: 10m air pistol: 1 Form guide 2021: Delhi World Cup – 579, gold; European championships – 572; Osijek World Cup – 578, …
Asian Games champion Rahi Sarnobat, demolished a finals field which included reigning Olympic Champion Anna Korakaki of Greece, to strike gold in the Women’s 25M Pistol, giving India her first yellow metal of the on going International Shooting Sport Federation World Cup Rifle/Pistol/Shotgun stage in the Croatian city of Osijek. The Indian ace shot 39 hits out of a possible …
Manu Bhaker and Saurabh Chaudhary won their sixth 10M Air Pistol Mixed TeamInternational Shooting Sport Federation World Cup medal on the trot, only this time their first silver after a run of five gold medals, going down to the Russian pair of Vitalina Batsarashkina and Artem Chernousov 12-16 in the gold medal match on Saturday in Osijek, Croatia. India now …