The Chief Minister, who announced that Tamil Nadu would host the international event, claimed this Olympiad would be a milestone in the history of the state. Chennai: The 44th Chess Olympiad, to be held in Mahabalipuram about 58 km from here, would see participation of over 150 countries and the tournament would be the biggest-ever sports event to have happened …
Addressing the virtual summit of the BRICS on Tuesday, PM Narendra Modi laid down India’s contribution to the international community during the coronavirus pandemic. Our vaccine production and delivery ability will help mankind in the same way: PM @narendramodi — BJP November 17, 2020 Speaking about economic recovery after COVID-19, PM Modi said: “Recovery post COVID will see a huge …
Ka Pae Ranasingam is the fourth film where Sethupathi and Rajesh will share the screen. Vijay Sethupathi and Aishwarya Rajesh’s much-awaited Tamil film Ka Pae Ranasingam will premiere on OTT platform ZeePlex. Stay home, stay safe, we're bringing #KaPaeRanasingam HOME TO YOU on @ZeeplexOfficial 🎥📺🍿 Releasing in 5 Indian languages, subtitled in over 10 International languages, streamed in over 150 …
Vijay Sethupathi and Aishwarya Rajesh's upcoming film, Ka Pae Ranasingam is the latest Tamil film to skip theatrical release. Apart from releasing in five Indian languages, Ka Pae Ranasingam has been subtitled in over 10 international languages. Here's the post: Stay home, stay safe, we're bringing #KaPaeRanasingam HOME TO YOU on @ZeeplexOfficial Releasing in 5 Indian languages, subtitled in over …