AIIMS director Randeep Guleria who headed the SC panel report on Delhi’s oxygen needs, said the report is an interim one, and “oxygen needs are dynamic and change from day to day” Day after an interim report of a Supreme Court-appointed panel on Delhi’s oxygen needs sparked a controversy, AIIMS Director Randeep Guleria, who headed the panel reportedly said that …
Oxygen needs of hospitals are dynamic and change from day to day, Dr Randeep Guleria said on Saturday. Director of AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr Guleria was referring to a report in which a sub-group headed by him termed the Delhi government's claims over consumption of medical oxygen during the second wave as "exaggerated". In its report, the panel said the …
As the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic continues to overwhelm India’s medical system, no resource has emerged as precious or in as short supply as medical oxygen. An estimated 17 per cent of all persons hospitalised with Covid-19 symptoms require medical oxygen, with Government data released on May 8 saying more than 137,000 people across India are on oxygen …
The Supreme Court on Wednesday observed that the Centre should consider revisiting its formula which computes the liquid medical oxygen requirement of the states/UTs based on the number of ICU/Non-ICU beds.The bench of Justices D. Y. Chandrachud and M. R. Shah recorded the submission of Solicitor General Tushar Mehta that an expert group has been constituted by the central government. …