Shashikant Lokhande, actor Ankita Lokhande's father, has died. Celebrities, including Shraddha Arya, were spotted arriving at Ankita's Mumbai home to pay their last respects ahead of the funeral. Ankita Lokhande's father was ill Ankita, who is known for her role in the TV show Pavitra Rishta, has acted alongside Kangana Ranaut in the 2019 film Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi. …
Actor Ankita Lokhande lost her father Shashikant Lokhande on Saturday, who passed away in Mumbai at the age of 68. The actor also carried her father's mortal remains on her shoulder along with her husband Vicky Jain. Paparazzo Viral Bhayani shared several videos on his Instagram page featuring Ankita Lokhande and her family, and friends at the funeral. Here's how …