Ajith has had a memorable 2019 so far with two blockbuster hit films under his credit. He started off this year with Siruthai Siva's Viswasam, which went to earn Rs 200 crore at the box office, then followed it up with H Vinoth's Nerkonda Paarvai. After taking part in the rifle shooting competition, he got back to Chennai to spend …
The first-look poster and the title of Ajith Kumar's upcoming Tamil remake of Hindi blockbuster Pink are finally out. The film is titled Nerkonda Paarvai, which is a line from Tamil poet Bharathiyar's poem, which describes his idea of modern woman. First look poster: pic.twitter.com/g3bI3Bt565 taran adarsh March 4, 2019 Nerkonda Paarvai is produced by Sridevi's husband Boney Kapoor, who …