In November 2017, rebellion was in the air in Gujarat. Patidar leader Hardik Patel, OBC leader Alpesh Thakor and Dalit leader Jignesh Mevani had gatecrashed the national political scene. Released from jail, he campaigned extensively in the Gujarat assembly elections in 2017 with the covert support of the Congress and indeed damaged the BJP, which ended up with a reduced …
The Varachha Road assembly seat, a Patidar-dominated area in Gujarat, was the epicentre of violence during the community’s agitation in 2015. With many in Gujarat politics ready to write off PAAS after the likes of Hardik Patel who were intrinsic to the party branching out to other political parties, as the agitation for reservation ended with the government accepting the …
Highlights Hardik Patel has threatened to revive Patidar agitation if pending demands not me Patel said he is even ready to quit the Congress party for community's demands He said demands related to 2015 agitation put forth by PAAS have still not been fulfilled Hardik Patel, the Gujarat Pradesh Congress Committee working president, on Monday threatened to revive the Patidar …