PATNA: A 30-year school teacher was allegedly kidnapped and forced to marry a 25-year-old girl in Bihar's Katihar district on Friday, reminding people of 'Pakadua Vivah' prevalent in the state for several decades. During the wedding season, the incident 'Pakadua Vivah' is a common feature in Bihar's several districts, including Begusarai, Lakhisarai, Patna, Nalanda, Samastipur, Jamui and Munger. Avnish Kumar, …
On June 14, a case of Pakadua Vyah came to light from Begusarai, Bihar. As per reports, a veterinary doctor identified as Satyam Kumar was allegedly kidnapped and forced to marry a woman in the Begusarai district of Bihar. Kumar’s father, Subodh Kumar Jha, said Satyam was called by a man named Vijay Singh of neighbouring Hasanpur Village to treat …