HYDERABAD: Irrigation & Civil Supplies Minister N Uttam Kumar on Friday attended the “Meet the Minister” programme at Gandhi Bhavan on Friday. The minister also listened to the grievances of the Mallannasagar project oustees. The minister asked those who were seeking new ration cards to wait till October 2, stating that the government will start accepting applications from that date. …
HYDERABAD: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will hoist the National Flag at the Public Gardens on September 17, marking Telangana Praja Palana Dinotsavam, a day officially designated by the state government to honour democratic governance in Telangana. During the meeting, the CS emphasised the importance of the occasion and announced that before the flag hoisting, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy will …
Warangal/ Karimnagar: Huge number of people of various sections flooded the gram panchayats and municipal offices to submit their applications for the Six Guarantees schemes by the Congress government as part of the Praja Palana programme, which started on Thursday in the erstwhile Warangal and Karimnagar districts. They applied for Maha Lakshmi, Indiramma House and Gruha Jyothi schemes and worried …