Hyderabad: The HMWS&SB said it had distributed six lakh drinking water packets during the Praja Palana Vijayotsavalu celebrations at the Hussainsagar. The board has set up 45 water camps, which MD Ashok Reddy and executive director Mayank Mittal inspected on Sunday. “We are ready with three lakh drinking water sachets more for the concluding day. The board’s quality assurance teams …
Hyderabad: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy is set to visit Warangal on November 19 as part of the Praja Palana Vijayotsavalu, commemorating the first anniversary of the Congress government in the state. The Chief Minister will interact with women self-help groups, distribute assets, and highlight the government’s achievements over the past year, particularly in the development of women and children. …
HYDERABAD: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will hold a conference of collectors and superintendents and commissioners of police at the Secretariat on July 16 ahead of the July 24 Assembly session. Nine key issues have been set in the agenda for the conference which include Praja Palana, Dharani portal, seasonal conditions for agriculture and health, Vanamahotsavam, Mahila Shakti, education, law …
Hyderabad: The Congress government is likely to launch the Rs 2,500 monthly aid for women, one of three promises under the Maha Lakshmi guarantee, in the first week of February, according to official sources. Official sources said that instructions were issued to officials to complete online data entry of all the applicants by January 17 and initiate the verification process …
The stage is being set for Praja Palana, the first public outreach programme of the newly elected Congress government for taking governance to the doorsteps of the common man. Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy held a meeting of senior officials, district Collectors and superintendents of police to review the arrangements for the Praja Palana programme being conducted by the Revenue …