HYDERABAD: Irrigation & Civil Supplies Minister N Uttam Kumar on Friday attended the “Meet the Minister” programme at Gandhi Bhavan on Friday. The minister also listened to the grievances of the Mallannasagar project oustees. The minister asked those who were seeking new ration cards to wait till October 2, stating that the government will start accepting applications from that date. …
HYDERABAD: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will hold a conference of collectors and superintendents and commissioners of police at the Secretariat on July 16 ahead of the July 24 Assembly session. Nine key issues have been set in the agenda for the conference which include Praja Palana, Dharani portal, seasonal conditions for agriculture and health, Vanamahotsavam, Mahila Shakti, education, law …
Hyderabad: Against the backdrop of having received 1.05 crore applications to the Praja Palana initiative, Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will launch the state government’s exclusive website for public governance — prajapalana.telangana.gov.in — on Monday. On the day, Reddy will also hold a high-level meeting to review applications received under the Praja Palana initiative from December 26, 2023, to January …