Warangal: The Congress, under Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, will launch the Praja Palana Vijayotsavalu on November 19 from Warangal, marking one year of the party’s governance. Parkal MLA Revuri Prakash Reddy highlighted initiatives such as Rs 205 crore for land acquisition for the Mamnoor airport and Rs 160.92 crore for flood-proofing the Kakatiya Mega Textile Park. The government also …
HYDERABAD: Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy will hoist the National Flag at the Public Gardens on September 17, marking Telangana Praja Palana Dinotsavam, a day officially designated by the state government to honour democratic governance in Telangana. During the meeting, the CS emphasised the importance of the occasion and announced that before the flag hoisting, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy will …