Days after outrage over the incident in Manipur where two women were paraded naked and sexually abused, the Meitei community residing in Mizoram is compelled to leave their homeland. This comes after a former militant organisation named Peace Accord MNF Returnees Association issued a statement warning the Meiteis to leave Mizoram saying that they should “leave the state for their …
The Mizoram government reassured the Meitei community living in the state of safety and security, and further urged them not to focus on rumours. State home commissioner and secretary H Lalengmawia, on Saturday, commenced a meeting with leaders of the Meitei community and assured them of their safety and security, according to an official statement. Seeking clarification on the issuance …
Meitei people living and working in Mizoram started exiting the northeastern State on July 22 following a diktat by an organisation of former extremists to leave “for their own safety”. The Peace Accord MNF Returnees’ Association had issued a statement on Friday saying Mizoram was no longer safe for the Meiteis in view of the mounting tension following the “barbaric …
The erstwhile Mizo National Party underground armed wing- Peace Accord MNF Returnees’ Association has asked the Meiteis residing in Mizoram to leave the state for “their own safety”. In a statement issued from Aizawl on Friday, PAMRA said, “The situation in Mizoram has become tense and it is no longer safe for Meitei people from Manipur to live in Mizoram …
An organisation of former militants in Mizoram asked the Meitei people in the state to leave for their home state for their “own safety”, stating that there is “anger among Mizo youths” over the incident of parading and molestation of two women in Manipur. "The situation in Mizoram has become tense and it is no longer safe for Meitei people …