LUCKNOW: A dreaded criminal associated with two late Mafioso-turned-politicians, Mukhtar Ansari and Shahabuddin, was gunned down in retaliatory firing during a fierce encounter with the UP Special Task Force under the Farah police station limits of Mathura district on Wednesday morning, said senior police officials in Lucknow. Sharing further details, ADG Amitabh Yash said that the STF had been tracking …
The special judge on Friday acquitted underworld don Om Prakash Srivastava alias Babloo Srivastava in connection with a case of kidnapping of a jeweller Pankaj Mahindra for ransom in 2015 but convicted and awarded sentences to other eight accused in the case. The court also acquitted one of Babloo’s nephews Sankalp Srivastava in the kidnapping case but convicted another nephew …
On 18th May, an agitated Muslim mob in the town of Mathura descended upon two Hindu lassi shopowners- both brothers, located at the crammed Chowk Bazaar of Mathura, close to the Krishna Janmabhoomi temple. The mob indulged in brutally thrashing the lassi shop owners while addressing them ‘Kaafir’, a pejorative reference to non-Muslims. How a woman hurled abuses at the …