Trisha has been busy with a slew of films which are under different stages of production. On February 22, the entire Paramapadham Vilayattu team was present at the pre-release event, which was held at Satyam Cinemas, Chennai. Producer Suresh Kamatchi, who is busy with his film Maanadu, said, "It is a kind request for stars to attend the promotional events …
Trisha has been conferred with several awards for her performance in director C Prem Kumar's 96, which released last year. On the occasion of her birthday, the makers of her upcoming film Paramapadham Vilayattu unveiled the film's trailer. Here's the trailer: Paramapadham Vilayattu marks Trisha's 60th film in her 17-year long career. Haricharan Pudipeddi May 4, 2019 It …