Gearing up for the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, Parth Pawar, son of Nationalist Congress Party leader Ajit Pawar, has started visiting residents of party members. In a message on social media, Parth said, “Today I visited the residence of former mayor Vaishali Bankar, deputy mayor Bandutatya Gaikwad, former corporators Prashat Mhaske, Surekha Kawade and Shivaji Pawar and other party leaders …
Nationalist Congress Party chief Sharad Pawar made a U-turn on Monday, announcing he will not contest the Lok Sabha elections. Instead, daughter Supriya Sule and nephew Ajit Pawar’s son Parth would contest the general election, the NCP chief said. Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis said Pawar’s withdrawal from the fray was the “acknowledgement of the imminent Bharatiya Janata Party -Shiv …
NCP chief Sharad Pawar Monday said he has decided not to contest the next month’s Lok Sabha election from the Madha constituency in Maharashtra. The NCP chief also indicated that Parth, son of his nephew and senior party leader Ajit Pawar, may be fielded from Maval Lok Sabha constituency in Pune district. When asked by reporters at a function in …
Parth Pawar, son of Ajit Pawar, senior Nationalist Congress Party leader and former deputy chief minister of Maharashtra, said that he will contest the 2019 Lok Sabha polls from the Maval constituency, if the party decides to field him. Parth Pawar, son of senior NCP leader Ajit Pawar, says that heis ready to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha polls from …