Tamil actor-director R Partheipan has offered to pay for the education of a girl whose father - a barber by profession - has been taking care of several families hit by the ongoing lockdown amid coronavirus pandemic. Tamil actor R Parthiepan takes up the responsibility of paying for a girl’s education after her father spent all his savings on helping …
R Parthiepan launched his upcoming film Otha Serupu in a grand fashion. Rajinikanth said a small budget film needs four things to become successful and he assured Otha Serupu will have all the four attributes. Here's the video: Rajinikanth said the film has got the right publicity as his dear friend and Makkal Neethi Maiam's head Kamal Haasan has launched …
Dancing legend and director Prabhudheva made his acting comeback in Tamil with director Vijay's horror-comedy titled Devi. The film went on to become an average grosser and ever since, Prabhudheva is on a film-signing spree. According to the latest report, he has been roped in to play the lead role in director R Parthiepan's upcoming film. An official confirmation regarding …