Chief minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday condemned the Enforcement Directorate’s letter to the Lokayukta police concerning the Mysore Urban Development Authority case and termed it “politically motivated” and aimed at prejudicing the ongoing investigation. The ED’s letter to the Lokayukta alleged irregularities in the allocation of alternative sites to Siddaramaiah’s wife, Parvathi BM, including forgery and undue influence. The central agency …
Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Wednesday termed the ED's recent communication to the state Lokayukta police in connection with the MUDA site allotment case, as "politically motivated" and sent with an intent to influence them and the court. The federal agency, in a recent communication sent to the Lokayukta police, claimed that its probe has also found that MUDA had …
MYSURU: A formal complaint has been lodged with the Lakshmipuram Police Station against Parvathi Siddaramaiah, the wife of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, and Congress spokesperson M Lakshmana, accusing them of creating false records, destroying original documents and substituting them with fabricated ones in an ongoing MUDA scam case. The complainant Snehamayi Krishna who had also sent a complaint to the Governor …