Prime Minister Narendra Modi responded to Bollywood veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan's post about the former's visit to Parvati Kund and Jageshwar Temples. PM Narendra Modi also reminded Amitabh Bachchan to visit the upcoming Rann Utsav and Statue of Unity in Gujarat. PM Narendra Modi replied to the actor and said, "My Visit to Parvati Kund and Jageshwar Temples was truly …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi started his day-long visit to Uttarakhand by offering prayers at Parvati Kund in front of the holy Adi Kailash mountain in Pithoragarh district. According to officials here, PM Modi has become the first Prime Minister of the country to visit the Adi Kailash area and offer prayers there. Prime Minister Narendra Modi offering prayers at Parvati …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Uttarakhand on Thursday. Modi also performed a puja at ‘Parvati Kund’. PM Modi performs puja at 'Parvati Kund' For the occasion, Modi donned a traditional tribal outfit that included a turban and 'ranga'. At Gunji, an exhibition showcasing local products and artifacts was organized, and Modi, along with Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, attended the …