After a slow start, Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan’s Sui Dhaaga Made In India doubled its collection at the box office to post an encouraging first weekend earnings. Sui Dhaaga box office day 3: Anushka Sharma and Varun Dhawan film has earned ₹ 36 crore. India biz,” trade analyst Taran Adarsh reported the Sui Dhaaga box office collection. While Sui …
Director Sharat Katariya’s latest film, the Varun Dhawan-Anushka Sharma-starrer Sui Dhaaga, witnessed a huge jump in box office numbers on Saturday. Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma in a still from the film Sui Dhaaga. Sui Dhaaga’s strong opening numbers are yet another win for Varun, who is riding on a wave of success for the past few years, even after …
Sui Dhaaga, the new film starring Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma as a small-town couple, is off to a good start at the box office. Adarsh theorised that the Asia Cup final could have dented the film’s box office, but predicted that the film would show a big jump over the weekend and continue to do well till October 2, …