It was eight in the morning when Bikramjit Baulia received a call from an unknown number. The 33-year-old businessman obliged and sang Hason Raja compositions, “Bokul Ful” and Subir Nandi’s “Mayer Adhikar.” As once Beethoven rightly said, “Music can change the world.” As for Anupam, it changed his state of mind. This touched me, inspired by Didi’s greatness I too …
In most hospitals in Bengaluru, as distraught families try to find beds, oxygen and medicines, there’s often a quiet volunteer helping them out, guiding them through the red tape, or soothing their anxieties. “We decided to intervene in a holistic manner rather than look at one vertical in critical care,” says Dr. Gayathri Vasudevan, chairperson and co-Founder, LabourNet Services India. …