Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee president Sarat Pattnayak was doused with ink allegedly by some ‘disgruntled’ element of the party on June 21. Some party activists entered Mr. Pattnayak’s chamber at Congress Bhawan, the State headquarters of the Congress party, here under the guise of greetings him. Mr. Pattnayak and all former State Congress presidents who fought election lost their elections …
Facing fund shortage to meet election expenses, the Odisha unit of the Congress has asked candidates shortlisted for the Lok Sabha election to contribute ₹50,000 each to the party. Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee president Sarat Pattnayak sent a letter to the probable candidates, inviting them to discuss strategies for their respective constituencies with the war-room members of Odisha Congress. “Shortlisted …
As the battle for the December by-poll in Padampur Assembly constituency intensifies, BJP national vice-president Baijayant Panda and party spokesperson Sambit Patra hit the campaign trail, while ruling BJD minister and MLAs in large numbers are camping since last week. Odisha Pradesh Congress Committee president Sarat Pattnayak along with former PCC presidents like Niranjan Patnaik and Jaydev Jena also roamed …