The Tamil Nadu Forest Department aborted its first ever attempt to rewild a rescued tiger and shifted the big cat to the Arignar Anna Zoological Park at Vandalur in Chennai. The PCCF-cum-CWW had also informed the court that the re-wilding of the rescued tiger was halted after a high powered committee chaired by PCCF Rakesh Kumar Dogra studied the animal …
BHUBANESWAR: In a significant move, probably the first in the country, the wildlife wing of Odisha government on Friday declared taking selfies and pictures with scheduled wild animal species, their carcasses, body parts and trophies a punishable offence under Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. The act liable for punishment with imprisonment up to seven years is intended at dissuading people from …
Thrissur: The letter sent by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Chief Wildlife Warden to the district collector directing an indefinite ban on one of the most sought after captive elephants in the state The-chikkottukavu Ramachandran has revealed the severe torture meted out to the pachyderm. According to the letter dated 21.03.2019, a multi-disciplinary committee was set up to …