The voting percentage for 88 seats in phase two of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections has declined compared to 2019, a consecutive decline after phase one. This happened despite the Election Commission undertaking significant measures to improve the turnout after phase one and the Bharatiya Janata Party holding a meeting to take stock of the situation. The statements by Prime …
The Ukraine crisis has added to uncertainty about the path of the US Federal Reserve’s tightening plans to fight inflation. United States stocks slid on Thursday, with the S&P 500 marking its biggest daily percentage drop in two weeks, as investors shifted to defensive sectors and safe havens such as bonds and gold while geopolitical tensions between Washington and Russia …
Leaders of the Los Angeles Police Department are growing increasingly concerned about a looming decline in black officers on the force, particularly as pandemic-related restrictions on recruitment undercut their efforts to turn the tide. Without a robust effort to bring on more black officers now, officials estimate the force will be only about 5% black within five years, McCraney said. …