Perfume businessman Piyush Jain, whose premises were raided last year and around Rs 200 crore in cash and 23 kg of gold were seized by central agencies, was released on bail on Thursday after spending eight months in jail here, officials said. His arrest just before the Uttar Pradesh Assembly polls had led to a row, with the BJP calling …
The Directorate of Revenue Intelligence on Thursday filed a 430-page chargesheet against Kanpur’s perfume trader Piyush Jain. The DRI submitted a report by the Central Revenue Control Laboratory in New Delhi saying that the purity of the gold seized from Piyush’s house was found to be 99.83 per cent. WHAT IS THE CASE In December 2021, the Ahmedabad unit of …
The Special Chief Judicial Magistrate Court, Kanpur on Thursday rejected the bail application of perfume trader Piyush Jain, who had been charged by the Department of Revenue Intelligence, Lucknow, under the Customs Act. DGGI's lawyer Ambareesh Tandon, in exclusive conversation with Aajtak/India Today, said the court ordered that the accused in the gold case has not been able to produce …
A joint team of the Income Tax department and the Directorate General of GST Intelligence conducted a raid on a perfume trader's house in Kanpur and found Rs 150 crore cash. The team recovered the notes piled up on shelves in cupboards at the house of perfume trader Piyush Jain in Kanpur. Piyush Jain conducts his business in Kanpur’s Ittarwali …