HYDERABAD: The Andhra Pradesh high court on Tuesday told the police not to arrest senior YSR Congress Party leader and former minister Perni Venkataramaiah alias Perni Nani until the next hearing on January 6 in connection with a case related to rice meant for the public distribution system going missing from a godown in Machilipatnam. Nearly 378 metric tonnes PDS …
Vijayawada: Police on Wednesday registered an FIR against Perni Jayasudha, wife of former minister and YSRC leader Perni Nani, over the alleged misappropriation of 185 metric tonnes of PDS rice stored in a godown owned by Jayasudha in Machilipatnam. Bandar Rural Police have registered the FIR comes in the wake of a complaint by Krishna district Civil Supplies Corporation assistant …
Vijayawada: YSRC MLA Perni Venkataramaiah alias Nani has criticised Jana Sena for inviting people from 22 other parties to join him. Jagan Mohan Reddy started the YSRC, I and some others joined the party due to Jagan Mohan Reddy’s leadership and nothing would happen if some leaders leave the YSRC.” He said YSRC rebel MLA Kapu Ramachandra Reddy would not …
VIJAYAWADA: Chief Minister Y.S. Stating this, former minister and YSRC MLA Perni Venkataramaiah alias Nani said on Thursday that the Chief Minister would also address a public meeting that day at Noble College grounds. Krishna district collector P. Rajababu with MLA Perni Nani and joint collector Aparajita Singh did an on-the-spot assessment of the Bandar port development works. Perni Nani …