The Udaipur administration on Friday suspended internet services in the city for 24 hours following violence after a class 10 student was allegedly stabbed by his classmate at a government school in the Rajasthan city. Udaipur district collector Arvind Poswal told ANI,"This incident took place in the early hours today. 51 detained for communal clashes in Jodhpur In June this …
Today, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged India to release every person detained without a sufficient legal basis, including those arrested simply for expressing critical or dissenting views. "In light of the continued, severe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is even more urgent that States, including India, release every person detained without a sufficient legal basis, including …
Police opened fire Thursday night in Den Haag while chasing at least four men accused of committing armed robbery. The five culprits are suspected of planning and executing a violent armed robbery on the Ootmarsumstraat in Den Haag and attempted to flee in two separate cars. After an investigation, the police tracked down the suspects and the stolen car,” police …
The Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Anil Baijal has extended the Delhi Police’s detention powers under the National Security Act, 1980, for a three-month period between 19 January and 18 April, As per The Leaflet, this is a routine order passed by the LG of Delhi after every four months. Reuters The notification, issued on 10 January 2020, to the Home …