Union Home Minister Amit Shah said: "India mourns the sad demise of legendary sprinter Shri Milkha Singh Ji, the Flying Sikh. But despite best of the efforts by the medical team, Milkha Singh could not be retrieved from his critical condition, said Ashok Kumar, official spokesperson for the PGIMER. Mourning his demise, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said it was …
Milkha Singh will be given a state funeral by the Punjab government and a day's mourning will be observed as a mark of respect to the track legend, chief minister Captain Amarinder Singh said on Saturday. Milkha Singh, a four-time Asian Games gold medallist and dubbed the "Flying Sikh", passed away at a hospital in Chandigarh late on Friday. Prime …
Milkha Singh Death News Highlights: One of independent India’s biggest sporting icons, ace sprinter Milkha Singh, died on Friday after a month-long battle with COVID-19, during which he lost his former national volleyball captain wife Nirmal Kaur to the same ailment. The Padma Shri awardee, who was nicknamed ‘The Flying Sikh’ for his accomplishments, was 91 and is survived by …
Legendary Indian sprinter Milkha Singh's condition turned critical on Friday evening as he developed complications, including fever and dropping of oxygen saturation level, after a bout with COVID-19, in the Intensive Care Unit of the PGIMER hospital here. Earlier, Milkha, popularly known as 'Flying Sikh', had suddenly developed fever Thursday night and his oxygen saturation levels dipped. Milkha's 85-year-old wife …