In a major breakthrough, the Jammu and Kashmir police Friday busted a Jaish-e-Mohammad module in Kashmir’s Kulgam district. A hand grenade, four UBGL shells, 30 AK rounds, one magazine each of INSAS and AK rifles, two mortar shells, four walkie-talkie sets, and a wireless set were also recovered, according to officials. Acting on specific information on subversive activities in the …
The Delhi police on Saturday arrested Aam Aadmi Party legislator and Waqf Board chairperson Amanatullah Khan’s alleged aide Hamid Ali after a pistol, some bullets and ₹12 lakh cash were recovered from his residence on Friday. The arrest comes after a pistol, some bullets and ₹ 12 Lakh cash were recovered from the residence of AAP legislator Amanatullah Khan’s alleged …
Delhi Police arrested two robbers and recovered high-end bikes and a pistol from their possession on Friday. A police team was carrying out an intensive check near Old Delhi Railway Station when, at around 6.15 pm, they noticed two boys on a red-colour Scooty coming from Chhatta Railside. Two high-end motorcycles and 10 expensive mobile phones were also recovered from …