Heavy rains lashed Rajasthan in the last 24 hours, with Kolai Magra in Bikaner district receiving the maximum rainfall of 195 mm, the Meteorological Department said on August 3. In the last 24 hours till 8.30 a.m. on August 3, Masuda recorded 180 mm of rain followed by 170 mm in Nayanagar and in Pisangan, 150 mm in Mangliawas and …
July 28, 2023 19:10 Heavy rains batter parts of Rajasthan; traffic snarls in major cities Heavy rains battered several places in the past 24 hours, causing waterlogging and traffic snarls in several cities such as Jaipur, Jodhpur and Udaipur on July 28. According to the Meteorological Department, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaipur, and Ajmer districts witnessed heavy rains on Thursday night, leading …
“Grand Canyon Suite” By Ferde Grofé, 1931. “Woody and Dutch on the Slow Train to Peking” This 1981 song swings like nobody’s businesses, with co-writer Rickie Lee Jones singing over a shuffle rhythm. “Born To Be Wild” This 1968 song was written by Mars Bonfire, recorded by the band Steppenwolf and used in the 1969 film “Easy Rider.” Rollicking organ. …