The Delhi high court on Monday turned down Aam Aadmi Party leader Somnath Bharti’s request to issue a notice over his plea challenging the election of Bharatiya Janata Party ’s Bansuri Swaraj as the member of Parliament from New Delhi constituency, saying the petition was full of typographical errors. A bench of Justice Manmeet PS Arora asked Bharti’s counsel to …
A magistrate court has rejected the bail pleas of Ankit Das, Latif, and Shekhar Bharti in connection with the Lakhimpur Kheri violence case which claimed the lives of eight people, including four farmers. The court of CJM Chinta Ram had remanded Ankit Das to three-day police custody till October 17. The police custody remand of the three accused, including Ankit …
A writer has approached the Bombay High Court against Deepika Padukone-starrer Chhapaak, claiming he originally penned an acid attack survivor’s story on which the film is based. Bharti’s advocate Ashok Sarogi said the plaintiff later came to know that an identical film is being produced by the defendants and directed by Meghna Gulzar. In his plea, Bharti has sought that …