Despite being on the brink of famine due to critical food shortages, North Korea has reportedly refused foreign aid, likening it to a “poisoned candy”. North Korea's official newspaper Rodong Simmun said that relying on external aid to cope with food shortages would be like taking "poisoned candy" and urged lawmakers to instead focus on becoming self-sufficient. In 2022 the …
The Rodong Sinmun warns against accepting external help amid reports North Korea is teetering on brink of famine. North Korea’s official newspaper has urged economic self-reliance amid reports of food shortages, arguing that relying on external aid to cope with the food situation would be like taking “poisoned candy”. The commentary, published in the Rodong Sinmun on Wednesday, comes days …
The unquiet spirits, vampires and the omnipresent zombies that take over American streets every October 31 may think Halloween is all about spooky fun. An op-ed on Oct. 28, 1970, in The New York Times suggested the possibility of strangers using Halloween’s “trick-or treat” tradition to poison children. Though it had no evidence, Newsweek magazine asserted in a 1975 article …