Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said that when the BJP got 300 seats, it built the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya and now temples will be built at Krishna Janmabhoomi site in Mathura and in place of the Gyanvapi Mosque in Varanasi after it gets 400 seats in Lok Sabha polls. If Modi ji gets 400 seats, then PoK will …
Mourning and holding of memorial meetings marked a ‘day or mourning’ in Pakistan-occupied-Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday, a day after three persons were killed in the security forces firing on irate crowds protesting against high prices of wheat flour and inflated electricity bills.The Namaz-e-Jinaza of the slain was scheduled to be offered in capital Muzaffarabad later during the day on …
On Monday, for the first time since 1996, Srinagar achieved the highest voter engagement of 38%, as a huge number of people exercised their right to vote, even in places that had previously seen widespread poll boycotts. Reports vary, with some claiming at least four civilians were killed, while others suggest up to seven or ten fatalities.… — Sandeep …