Hours after the arrest of actor Allu Arjun in the city of Hyderabad in connection with the death of a woman in a stampede at Sandhya Theater, a letter by the screen authorities has come to the fore raising questions on the Hyderabad Police. Letter emerges showing Sandhya theatre seeking police bandobast on 4th Dec citing clearly that the movie …
The Maharashtra council polls for 10 seats resulted in a nail-biting finish with Bharatiya Janata Party yet again trumping over tripartite Maha Vikas Aghadi - after the Rajya Sabha polls - by winning five out of ten seats. Spotlight on Fadnavis as Maharashtra government battles crisis Two successive defeats of the ruling MVA candidates in Rajya Sabha and Legislative Council …
Heavy police deployment is in place at Shaheen Bagh where hundreds of women protesters are waiting for permission to meet Home Minister Amit Shah for a dialogue over the new citizenship law. The protesters, initially, started marching towards Union Home Minister's residence but their march was halted by the cops as they did not have the permission. The protesters, who …