Manpreet Singh Chaddha alias Monty Chadha, son of deceased liquor baron Ponty Chaddha, was arrested by the Economic Offence Wing of the Delhi Police on Wednesday night from the Indira Gandhi International airport while he was leaving for Phuket. Monty was booked by the EOW Delhi Police in January 2018 in a cheating case over allegations of duping the investors …
Monty, who is the Director of Uppal-Chadha Hi-tech Developers Private Limited, was about to leave for Phuket when police took him into custody, sources said. The Economic Offences Wing of Delhi Police arrested late liquor baron Ponty Chadha’s son Manpreet Singh Chadha alias Monty Chadha from the Indira Gandhi International Airport late on Wednesday night in connection with a cheating …