MUMBAI: The police on Saturday have registered a case against a construction firm and its directors after they allegedly failed to handover six flats in a Tardeo building they redeveloped to the housing authority after being given extra Floor Space Index. Construction firm, directors booked for illegally selling 6 Tardeo flats meant for MHADA As per a complaint filed by …
India’s largest landowner, the Indian Railways, has identified 341.93 hectares of prime land across the country which will be given out to private developers on a 90-year-lease, and from which the railways hopes to generate ₹5000 crore. In Mumbai, the railways are looking to hive off 110.46 hectares at Grant Road, Tardeo, Parel, Bandra east and west, Carnac Bunder among …
Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut waved his saffron scarf as he was being taken away by ED officials on his detention on Sunday in connection with the Patra Chawl land scam case. But according to the ED, Sanjay Raut’s close associate Pravin Raut and other directors of GACPL did not build a single house for the 672 displaced tenants. The …
Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Monday asked real estate developers to deliver apartments to homebuyers on time without compromising on the quality, while stressing on the need to strengthen the sector for faster economic growth and employment generation New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Monday asked real estate developers to deliver apartments to homebuyers on time without …