The Bengaluru bandh call given by a coalition of farmers and Kannada organisations under the aegis of Karnataka Jala Samrakshana Samiti will in likelihood bring the city to a halt on September 26, Tuesday. Within hours of the bandh call being given, several organisations, including public and private transport unions, private school managements, film industry and hotels and restaurants associations, …
Haryana school holidays: Haryana Government on Tuesday announced that all the government and private schools in the state will remain closed today on account of celebrations of Independence Day. The holiday has been given to all schools both private and government on account of the Independence Day celebrations held yesterday. “On the subject cited above, on account of celebrations of …
Affluent Indians are choosing to rent private holiday homes to ensure privacy and hygiene as the easing of lockdowns in many states following a decline in covid-19 cases spurs them to start travelling again. Companies such as SaffronStays, Vista Rooms and Lohono Stays, who manage luxury holiday homes across India, said they are seeing a jump in demand when compared …